NEET : Chemistry – 2019 – Exam Mode

Chemistry – NEET-2019 – Exam Mode

This quiz is in the format of Exam, has 45questions. Results are displayed at end.

  • Total time duration : 45 Minutes
  • Points to remember
    • Right answer :  +4
    • Wrong Answer : -1
    • Number of attempts : Unlimited

1 / 45

Under isothermal condition, a gas at 300 K expands from 0.1 L to 0.25 L against a constant external pressure of 2 bar.

The work done by the gas is

(Given that 1 L bar = 100 J)

2 / 45

A compound is formed by cation C and anion A. The anions form hexagonal close packed (hcp) lattice and the cations occupy 75% of octahedral voids.

The formula of the compound is :

3 / 45

pH of a saturated solution of Ca(OH)2 is 9.

The solubility product (Ksp) of Ca(OH)2 is:

4 / 45

The number of moles of hydrogen molecules required to produce 20 moles of ammonia through Haber’s process is :

5 / 45

For an ideal solution, the correct option is

6 / 45

For a cell involving one electron E°cell= 0.59 Vat 298 K, the equilibrium constant for the cell reaction is :

[Given that 2.303 RT /F = 0.059V at T = 298 K]

7 / 45

Among the following, the one that is not a green house gas is

8 / 45

The number of sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in pent-2-en-4-yne is

9 / 45

Which of the following diatomic molecular species has only π bonds according to Molecular Orbital Theory?

10 / 45

Which of the following reactions are disproportionation reaction?

11 / 45

Among the following, the narrow spectrum antibiotic is :

12 / 45

The correct order of the basic strength of methyl substituted amines in aqueous solution is :

13 / 45

Which mixture of the solutions will lead to the formation of negatively charged colloidal [Agl]l– sol ?

14 / 45

Conjugate base for Bronsted acids H2O and HF are :

15 / 45

Which will make basic buffer?

16 / 45

The compound that is most difficult to protonate is

17 / 45

The most suitable reagent for the following conversion, is

18 / 45

Which of the following species is not stable?

19 / 45

Which of the following is an amphoteric hydroxide?

20 / 45

The structure of intermediate A in the following reaction, is


21 / 45

The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral, due to :

22 / 45

For the second period elements the correct increasing order of first ionisation enthalpy is

23 / 45

If the rate constant for a first order reaction is k, the time (t) required for the completion of 99% of the reaction is given by

24 / 45

Identify the incorrect statement related to PCl5 from the following:

25 / 45

4d, 5p, 5f and 6p orbitals are arranged in the order of decreasing energy. The correct option is

26 / 45

The biodegradable polymer is:

27 / 45

Match the Xenon compounds in Column-I with its structure in Column-II and assign the correct code:

Column – I Column – II
a XeF4 i Pyramidal
b XeF6 ii Square planar
c XeOF4 iii Distorted octahedral
d XeO3 iv Square pyramidal

28 / 45

Which is the correct thermal stability order for H2E (E = O, S, Se, Te and Po)?

29 / 45

The correct structure of tribromooctaoxide is

30 / 45

An alkene “A” on reaction with O3 and Zn–H2O gives propanone and ethanal in equimolar ratio. Addition of HCl to alkene “A” gives “B” as the major product. The structure of product “B” is:

31 / 45

Enzymes that utilize ATP in phosphate transfer require an alkaline earth metal (M) as the cofactor. M is

32 / 45

Which one is malachite from the following?

33 / 45

Which of the following series of transitions in the spectrum of hydrogen atom fall in visible region?

34 / 45

The mixture that forms maximum boiling azeotrope is:

35 / 45

For the cell reaction

[Given that Faraday constant F = 96500 C mol-1]

36 / 45

In which case change in entropy is negative?

37 / 45

Match the following :

Column – I Column – II
a Pure nitrogen i Chlorine
b Haber process ii Sulphuric acid
c Contact process iii Ammonia
d Deacon’s process iv Sodium azide or Barium azide

Which of the following is the correct option?

38 / 45

Which of the following is incorrect statement?

39 / 45

The non-essential amino acid among the following is:

40 / 45

A gas at 350 K and 15 bar has molar volume 20 percent smaller than that for an ideal gas under the same conditions. The correct option about the gas and its compressibility factor (Z) is :

41 / 45

Among the following, the reaction that proceeds through an electrophilic substitution, is:

42 / 45

The major product of the following reaction is

43 / 45

For the chemical reaction

44 / 45

What is the correct electronic configuration of the central atom in K4[Fe(CN)6] based on crystal field theory?

45 / 45

The method used to remove temporary hardness of water is :

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